Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When can I get a dumpster trailer?

A. We suggest ordering 2-3 business days before service needed (dumpster delivery, relocation or exchange).

Q. How big are your dumpster trailers?

A. 10 cubic yards (12′ long x 6′ wide x 4′ tall) & have wheels to prevent damage to your driveway.

Q. Do I have to be home when you deliver?

A. No, you do not have to be there for delivery if prepaid. 

Q. Will the dumpster trailer fit in my driveway?

A. Yes, it will fit in a standard size driveway, and our driver has amazing skills to place in other areas as needed.

Q. How do I fill the dumpster trailer?

A. The trailer must be kept level, heavier items to the front, not over the fill line and not filled over the top. OVERFILL CHARGES WILL APPLY. Over tonnage weight limit, there will be an additional charge of $50-$98 per ton each additional or offloaded (left at your location) before departure & charged if not safe to drive.

Q. How long can I keep the dumpster trailer?

A. The time is agreed upon when booking, time over the agreed upon time will be charged as discussed. 

Q. Items not allowed?

A. chemicals, cleaning solutions, pesticides, asbestos, septic tanks and waste, paint, gas or gas cans, hazardous materials, medical waste, needles, tires, batteries of any kind, explosives, solvents, oil, oil filters, propane tanks, appliances with Freon of any kind, aerosol cans, devices containing mercury, fluorescent bulbs, telephone poles, railroad parts. Just ask if you are not sure. 

The "customer" agrees not to place any hazardous or toxic waste in the dumpster trailer as it is against the law. Prohibited waste found in dumpster trailer will become the responsibility of the "customer" and charged to the "customer" as a return charge. 


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